category: modern

Minima Media

... und unter anderem auf » TV Poetry « zuzu- greifen . Realen Besuchern in Leipzig bietet ein eigenes Terminal mit Internet - Anschluss die Möglichkeit , diese Welt zu erforschen . >> TV Poetry << shows an experimental configuration . When ...


... ACTA : el compromiso . Si la exposición se gratificase únicamente en un literal aspecto de lo testimonial correría el riesgo de diluirse en el campo alisado de lo neutral . Ya se sabe lo que una interpretación galante , irreprochable en ...

Twentieth-century Filipino Artists

... Philippine Sculptors First Annual Show , National Library Grounds - First National Sculpture Show , Cultural Center of the Philippines , Big Gallery 1970 - Second Annual SPS Show , Magsaysay Center 1971 - Art Association of the ...

Zeitschrift Für Romanische Philologie

... 350 , 98 , B , A , 1498 in Betracht . Mit 1498 stimmen die jüngern französischen Drucke so ziemlich überein , können ... dragon von R , wenn nicht auch B * dragons hätte , was hätte angegeben werden sollen . 62/21 . iese , verschrieben ...

Quarterly Review of Literature: Poetry book series

... waitress script , on a scallop - edged notepad with an Orangetip butterfly perched near the salutation , she wrote : Dear Joe . I was so pleased to hear from you . Don't feel bad on account you didn't get to come over . I understand how ...

Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie

... diccionario á estilo del de Cuervo , con todas las citas ? Es porque le ... armonía , el buen orden ó concierto de una cosa ( ! ) . Disculpar , con su ... DICCIONARIO DE CONSTR . DE LA LENGUA CASTELLANA . 555.

Zeitschrift Für Romanische Philologie

... encabalgamiento , versos irregulares . Los dos primeros capítulos del libro son de carácter introductorio : en el primero el autor expone brevemente las ideas de Milá , Menéndez y Pelayo y Menéndez Pidal sobre el origen y la naturaleza ...

The Origins of the Modern World: Fate and Fortune in the Rise of the West

Moving beyond Eurocentric explanations and histories that revolve around the rise of the West, distinguished historian Robert B. Marks explores the roles of Asia, Africa, and the New World in the global story.

The Incorporated Linguist

... refrigerarea peștelui , fabricarea făinii de pește și extragerea uleiului , putînd naviga atît în mările reci , cît şi în cele ecuatoriale . începînd călătoria lor în urmă cu multe luni , navele— avînd la bord alături de marinarii ...

Historical Abstracts: Twentieth century abstracts, 1914-. Part B

... case of India , although aid flow and technical cooperation have been minimal in comparison to its popula- tion ... local tradition and Western ideas coalesced or contradicted each other , and locates each within the context of its ...

Historical Abstracts: Modern history abstracts, 1775-1914. Part A

... Tyson , Brian , ed . Bernard Shaw's Book Reviews . Vol . 2 : 1884-1950 ... DIVORCE TRIAL . Journal of British Studies 1997 36 ( 1 ) : 70-98 . English ... divorce trial in 1864 of Helen Codrington and Admiral Henry John Codrington reflects ...

Vanity Fair

... NEGOTIATION GENIUS , BY DEEPAK MALHOTRA AND MAX BAZERMAN ( BANTAM ) I just completed Negotiation Genius , by two Harvard Business School professors who combine their teachings with years of psychological research and real - life ...

Modern Philology

... aux mains des criminels " ( Godefroy ) . Cf. Cuvellier , B. du Guesclin , l . 13791. " gresillon grillon , " Orain ... mailles qui couvrait la poitrine jusqu'au defaut des côtes et descendait jusqu'aux genoux ; les nobles et les ...

Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh: Humanities

Humanities. 17. Quoted in Sayyid Abul ' Ala Mawduwdi , Tafhim al - Quran . ( Trans into Bengali by Muhammad Abdur Rahim ) , ( Dhaka : Adhunik Prakashani 1398 A.H./1978 A.D. ) , Vol . II , p.170 . 18. Al - Quran , III : 97 . 19. Tirmidhi ...

I Can Tell it Now

... story . The Greatest Story Never Told STEPHEN WHITE ON August 8 , 1945 , I became science writer for the New York Herald Tribune . My qualifications for this task consisted exclu- sively of the fact that Lessing Engelking , then City Editor ...

Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

... Polaris sub- marines , for example , is itself sufficient to destroy about ... pool 40 feet by 20 feet by 6 feet ( 12.2 meters by 6 meters by 2 meters ) ... maintenance of basic order depends in large measure on establishing an informal ...

The Westminster Review

... She has asked for more , and I shall bring them , as she desires . ' Then ... first met , with all the pomp and festivity Zal , and declared that she had ... summary of a very Persian throne was the bitter foe to their charming story in ...

Femininity and Masculinity in Eighteenth-century Art and Culture

... Art ( Hanover and London , University Press of New England , 1992 ) . For a more rounded discussion of similar issues see Chapter V , ' Women in the Popular Arts ' of the excellent doctoral thesis by V. P. Cameron , Woman as Image and ...

Zeitschrift Für Romanische Philologie

... léxico hispánico . CHUPAR ( II , p . 94-95 ) . - Téngase en cuenta el siguiente texto de la General Estoria ( h . 1280 ) ... familia léxica de lezne y deleznarse ha sido objeto de varias discusiones . Ténganse en cuenta las recientes ...

The Year's Work in Modern Language Studies: 1992

... Diego . Poesía española contemporánea , M , Taurus , 1991 , 790 pp .; and , reflecting the growing interest in ... Ascunce edits with prologue and most useful bibliography ( lxvii - lxxv ) , Ernestina Champourcin , Poesía a través del ...

Literature of Europe and America in the 1960s

... The Devil to Pay in the Backlands ( Grande sertão : veredas ) , the work most frequently annexed to the boom ( a posteriori like Rulfo's Pedro Páramo ) . It is an extraordinary achievement , as much as anything because of what it yokes ...

Filología moderna

... análisis estric- tamente literario convive el estudio histórico ; la visión panorámica con- trasta y se complementa ... Rima LIII de Bécquer » , y el más teórico de Claude Pollain : « Recherches sur l'inversion bécqué- rienne » . Ambos ...

The Forties

... commercial , industrial and gov- newspapers , radio , telephone and ernmental users of fuel oil for non- telegraph systems ... 6. ] TUESDAY , JANUARY 19 , 1943 Axis forces continued to lose ground in ... [ 3.1 . ) Britain's Eighth Army ad- vanced ...

Publications of the Modern Language Association of America

... THE SEVEN BASIC PLOTS Why we tell stories Ong the Miam S THE QUEST Beyond the Gray Flannel Suit LOLITA COMEDY TRACETRY Dr. Seuss American Icon Philip Nel New In Paperback 320pp $ 14.95 0-8264-1708-6 March 2005 CHRISTOPHER BOOKER The Seven ...

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