category: greek drama

Greek Drama

... shaman, perhaps like the bird-headed men at the Roc de Sers cognate with the bison-masked shamans, the chamois shamans, the dancing shaman of Trois Frères, etc. Not only ancient context but also contemporary ethnology support this view ...

Sénèque le tragique: huit exposés suivis de discussions

... métrica ( sus unidades , su funcionamiento en cada uno de los distintos ... equivalencia entre una sílaba larga y dos breves ) se da en los versos del ... métrica ) est apertior ( más evidente que en la prosa artística ) , prosa artística ...

The Fragments of Attic Comedy After Meineke, Bergk, and Kock

... Maxims of Menander half the lines are ascribed to Menander elsewhere . Of the anonymous 4th Century papyrus less than half the lines are new ; one of them is apparently Christian . These are most likely all versions , or parts of ...

Four Greek Plays

... life , love now you are dying . You are my only Queen . There is no other woman in all Thessaly shall ever take your place beside me ... bring myself to sing to the Libyan flute . 162 THE ALCESTIS OF EURIPIDES.

La comedia griega y su influencia en la literatura española

... frases , dispuestas en parataxis y parataxis copulati- va , mediante la entonación . En lugar de subordinación la función expresiva prefiere unifi- car frases a base de oraciones parentéticas admirativas o interro- gativas que ...

Greek Tragedy and Its Legacy: Essays Presented to D.J. Conacher

... Haemon and Creon at Antigone's grave is narrated by the Messenger ( lines 1231-40 ) , that is , given to us with a ... argument with Creon , and by the Chorus ' pity for Antigone . Our response is validated after the fact by Creon's self ...

Greek and Roman Theater

This book tells of the beginnings of theater in Greece, the adaptations the Romans made, and more.

The Greek Sense of Theatre: Tragedy Reviewed

This collection of essays and reviews represents the most significant and comprehensive writing on Shakespeare's A Comedy of Errors.

Estudios sobre la tragedia griega

... por la bárbara inmolación de su hija . Pero ¿ cómo se explica en la realidad ... con Agamenón porque éste había matado a un animal con- sagrado a ella , o ... belleza de sus cantos no iba a dejar reflexio- nar al espectador sobre los ...

The Greek Theater and Its Drama

... theaters are no longer to be classified under the two general Vitruvian types , " Greek " and " Roman , " but rather under a larger number of categories according to time , place , and conditions of use . But the question which one of these ...

Studies on the Text of Sophocles: The manuscripts and the text

Vol. 1 deals with the manuscripts in general, and the texts of Ajax, Electra, and Oedipus Rex; v. 2 gives detailed collations for Ajax, Electra and Oedipus Rex.

Sophocles: Birth and life; Oedipus Tyrannus; Oedipus Coloneus; Antigone

... Codex Beza Cantabrigiensis . 4to . 26s . The New Testament for English ... 8th Edit . 11. 4s . Vol . III . 10th Edit . 18s . Vol . IV . Part I. 5th ... Thousand . 2s . 6d . Educational Works . 15 FOREIGN CLASSICS . A Series for 14 ...

The Ancient Greek and Roman Theatre

"The Ancient Greek and Roman Theatre is a clear, lively and readable study of the Greek and Roman theatre from its beginnings to the late Empire"--Back cover.

Lectures on Dramatic Literature

... jeopardy preserves the tension of that horror which has been hitherto kept ... Macbeth is threatened with his doom - he is assured against it . It ... Macbeth ! Macbeth ! Macbeth ! Beware Macduff ! Beware the Thane of Fife . " Another ...

Synopsis of the Greek Drama Including Biographical Notices ...: With a Dramatic Chronology

... Euripides . Hippolytus of Euripides . Babylonii of Aristophanes . Acharn . do . , in the 6th year of the Peloponnesian war . Equites do . 1. Nubes do . Vespa and Nubes 2. do . Eupolides exhibits . Pax of Aristophanes , in the 13th year ...

Oedipus the King and Other Tragedies: Oedipus the King, Aias, Philoctetes, Oedipus at Colonus

This original and distinctive verse translation of four of Sophocles' plays conveys the vitality of his poetry and the vigour of the plays as performed showpieces, encouraging the reader to relish the sound of the spoken verse and the ...

Oedipus the King

To Laius, King of Thebes, an oracle foretold that the child born to him by his queen Jocasta would slay his father and wed his mother.

Complete Plays: Translated Into English Rhyming Verse with Commentaries and Notes by Gilbert Murray

... Eteoclês , ANTIGONÊ and ISMÊNÊ , appear at the end of the play . His brother , POLYNÎCES , is mentioned , but does not appear . Six Armed Men accompany Eteoclês . [ Pronunciation of names : In Eteoclês all syllables are short except the ...

The Plays and Fragments

... dragon κаlεσтά0 ' ( p . 77 A , line 3 from bottom ) . 1995 διφνᾶ Dindorf ... quest of the kάmpos ( 0ĥpa 1097 ) that haunted Mount Erymanthus in north ... 11. 623. - Pluto said that Heracles might take Cerberus , if he could do so without ...

The Concept of Greek Tragedy in the Major Plays of Eugene O'Neill

... life !. • • There is Eternal Life in No ! . and there is the same Eternal ... terms of their own individual lives they think that death means the end of life ... cru- cified and the Nazarenes are slaughtered , and his parents and sisters ...

The Tragic Drama of the Greeks

... speech containing preliminary explanations of the plot , this speech being ... narrative speeches , recounting events which had taken place elsewhere , or ... speech by the actor . ' Phois was the regular name for the long set speeches ...

On Aristotle and Greek Tragedy

... Tragedy . As the monochrome sketch is to bare tragic action , colour is to character.1 The painter who strives after a likeness of his subject can rest assured , however thin and poor the result , that he is working within the bounds of ...

A Guide to Greek Tragedy for English Readers

... speech of the Herald describing the tempest , while in the Persae the Messenger's narrative is the culminating point . Much of the skill of the dramatist consists in placing these descriptive pieces , in which the Athenians were ...

Oedipus the King

The Greek tragedy about Oedipus, who murders his father and marries his mother.

Aischylos und Pindar: Studien zu werk und Nachwirkung

... Sapph . , fr . 71,2 Voigt ( 70 Diehl ) ; Pind . , fr . 122,4 , Sapph . 2,3 V. ( 2 D. ) ; Pind . , Pyth . 1,6 , Alc . 70,10 V. ( 43 D. ) ; Pind . , Pyth . 10,36 , Sapph . 31,5 V. ( 2 D. ) ; Pind . , Isthm . 7,37 , Sapph . 121,2 V. ( 100 D. ) ...

The Theatre of the Greeks: Or the History, Literature, and Criticism of the Grecian Drama; with an Original Treatise on the Principal Tragic and Comic Metres

... on the Principal Tragic and Comic Metres Philip Wentworth Buckham. Beauty is the ... over the whole . In the group of the Niobe terror and pity are like- wise ... Pride and indignation are dissolved in the most ardent maternal love . The ...

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