category: germanic peoples

The Religion of the Teutons

... mists that cause so many deadly diseases along the coasts of Jever and Dithmarschen , and Beowulf " Fegewolf ' is the wind hero who chases the mists away . Still other inter- pretations have been proposed , but it does not appear that ...

The Religion of the Teutons

... mists that cause so many deadly diseases along the coasts of Jever and Dithmarschen , and Beowulf " Fegewolf " is the wind hero who chases the mists away . Still other inter- pretations have been proposed , but it does not appear that ...

Teutonic Mythology

... language : to every nation a belief in gods was as necessary as language . No one will argue from the absence or poverty of memorials , that our forefathers at any given time did not practise their tongue , did not hand it down ; yet ...

Heathen Garb and Gear: Ritual Dress, Tools, and Art for the Practice of Germanic Heathenry

Ben Waggoner, Diana Paxson, Kveldulf Gundarsson. CHAPTER V: RITUAL GEAR So what goes on your stall or harrow? e Troth's Book of Blóts Book of Book of includes over fty different scripts for Heathen BlótsBlóts rituals, and several other ...

Myths of Northern Lands: Narrated with Special Reference to Literature and Art

A description and discussion of the Norse gods and goddesses, including a comparison with those in the Greek myths.


... 8th Edit . 11. 4s . Vol . III . 10th Edit . 18s . Vol . IV . Part I. 5th ... 8th Edit . Fcap . 2s . The Winton Church Catechist . Questions and ... Thousand . 2s . 6d . FOREIGN CLASSICS . A Series for use in Schools , 14 George Bell and Sons '

The Semiotics of Fate, Death, and the Soul in Germanic Culture: The Christianization of Old Saxon

... Roman fates . This identity of the Roman parcae with OE wyrd is further reflected in the weird sisters in Shakespeare's Macbeth ( 1605 ) . Die Annäherung des ae . wyrd , das auch noch nach der Bekehrung der Angelsachsen fortlebte , an ...

Teutonic Mythology

... butterfly ; conf . the Faun as night - butterfly ( Suppl . to 483 mid . ) . When a moth flutters round the candle , the Lithu . women say somebody's dying , and the soul is going hence , N. Pr . prov . bl . 5 , 160 . p . 829. ] The soul ...

Germania, Agricola, and first book of the annals

... quantum modum ( Annal . xv . 25 ) . Quantum ( Annal . vi . 21 ) . In quantum ( Juven . xiv . 318 ) . CHAP . XLVI ... league , and in connection with the Goths , with whom they seem to have coalesced , unless , as some have supposed , they ...

Teutonic Mythology

An English translation of Grimm's seminal work, €Deutsche Mythologie.

Teutonic Mythology

... Teutonic tradition , so far as it can be recovered ; and it was the task of Grimm in his Deutsche Mythologie to supplement the Scandinavian mythology ( of which , thanks to the Icelanders , we happen to know most ) with all that can be ...

Germany and Agricola of Tacitus: The Oxford Translation, Revised with Notes, with a Brief Introduction by James Kendrick

... Suevi . It is a characteristic of this people to turn their hair sideways , and tie it beneath the poll in a knot . By this mark the Suevi are distinguished from the rest of the Germans ; and the freemen of the Suevi from the slaves ...

A Treatise on the Situation, Manners, and Inhabitants of Germany

... Suevi . It is a characteristic of this people to braid their hair and tie it up in a knot . By this mark the Suevi are distinguished from the rest of the Germans ; and the freemen of the Suevi from the slaves . Among other nations ...

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