category: future life

Heaven and Hell: Also the Intermediate State, Or World of Spirits

... cannot be expressed at all by the words of human language ; for in every single word spoken by angels , there are contained arcana of wisdom in continuous connexion , which human science cannot reach . Angels supply , by the tone of the ...

Death and the Life Beyond

If you really love them, be sure that you will be with them again one day. That is the truth. How many times have I already told you this: where your heart is, there you will be one day’ Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

History of Opinions on the Scriptural Doctrine of Retribution

... eternal so used can mean , is , for life . Ovid says ( " Trist . , " v . , 2 , 15 ) , “ Telephus , wasted by an eternal disease , would have died , if the right hand that wounded him had not brought a cure . " Telephus was wounded by ...

Letters from Summerland

... love yourself . It doesn't mean you file for a divorce or quit your job . To claim your freedom , you must first ... day you want . If you get up , and then moan " I feel miserable and it's going to be a rotten day " , that is your ...

The Life After Death

... Swami Madhavananda, R.K. Publications. 6. Bhagavad-Gita. By Swami Chidbhavananda, R.K. Publications. 7. Life after death. By Swami Vivekananda, R.K.Publication. 8. Svetasvatara UpaniYad. Translation by Swami Gambhirananda, Advaita ...

A Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life: With a Complete Bibliography of the Subject

... Novena para rogar al Señor por las animas del purgatorio Madrid , 1842 , 8 ... de la dévotion aux âmes du purgatoire . Paris , 1843 , 18o . ( 6 sh . ) 2916. Hoffmann ... difuntos ; por el autor del Alma y la Confesion , aumentado con seis ...

The Destiny of the Soul: A Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life

... Novena para rogar al Señor por las animas del purgatorio Madrid , 1942 , 8 ... de la dévotion aux âmes du purgatoire . Paris , 1843 , 18. ( 6 sh . ) 2916. Hoffmann ... difuntos ; por el autor del Alma y la Confesion , aumentado con seis ...

The Future Life

... form . 61. Such is the angelic idea concerning man , and therefore the angels never attend to the mere bodily actions , but to the inten- tion which prompts them ; for they call the will or intention the man himself , and the ...

El cielo y el infierno

... nombres, el doble principio del bien y del mal fue la base de todas las creencias religiosas. Fue personificado con ... demonios. 6. La doctrina de los demonios tiene origen, pues, en la antigua creencia de los dos principios: el del ...

The Light Beyond

It has been a decade since the publication of Dr. Moody's landmark bestseller, "Life After Life, and since he coined the term "near-death experience," or NDE.

The Uttermost Deep: The Challenge of Near-Death Experiences

... Moody's groundbreaking 1975 book , Life After Life , and its 1978 continuation , Reflections on Life After Life . Moody's Analysis Moody's interest in the phenomena he terms " near - death experiences " began when , as an undergraduate ...

The Destiny of the Soul: A Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life

... hollow kingdom , to which are poetically attributed valleys and gates , and in which are congregated the slumber- ous and shadowy hosts of the rephaim , never able to go out of it again forever . Its awful stillness is unbroken by noise ...

A Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life

... hollow kingdom , to which are poetically attributed valleys and gates , and in which are congregated the slumber- ous and shadowy hosts of the rephaim , never able to go out of it again forever . Its awful stillness is unbroken by noise ...

Chronicles of the Sacred Mountain

A book for unlocking heavenly mysteries. Questions you have asked for years are now researched and answered in this book. --Publisher.

Pieces of the Puzzle, Volume 2 - Our Reality

... Enoch generously presents his inspired writings in the hope that we each discover the power within to create and to consciously, evolve. It begins by being open ... Enoch Tan Enoch, could you please tell us how you became interested. 210.

The Metaphysics of Religious Belief: An Essay on the Miraculous

An Essay on the Miraculous A. P. Shooman. This movement away from one's God ... Wiesel can no longer put his faith in this God , a God who has ceased to care for His people . What Wiesel's moving account of the ... death of religious 145.

The Western Book of Crossing Over: Conversations with the Other Side

... birthday was a month away, but I had brought a birthday cake and a present for him since I didn't know if I would be ... Kabbalah book reviewed by a medium.” That seemed reasonable since she wanted someone with a consciousness able to ...

Future punishment. An inquiry into Scripture teaching. In three letters published in the “Christian World,” with additions

... God " -body and soul- shall be judged according to their works . " cowardly and unbelieving , & c . , have their part in the lake of fire . This is the second death " ( Rev. xx . 14 , xxi . 8 ) . These are all the passages . " and " The ...

Glimpses of Eternity: Sharing a Loved One's Passage from this Life to the Next

The startling pattern that Moody discovered is that at the time of death, loved ones also have inexplicable experiences. This is the first book to talk about the phenomenon of 'shared death experiences'.

Suffering Here--glory Hereafter: Sermons

... beauty , the unearthly beauty , of that trans- formed and immortal body which shall wake up in His image , is sometimes dimly pictured upon the lifeless clay of mortals . And as the face of Moses , when he came from the Mount , was ...

Do Dead People Watch You Shower?: And Other Questions You've Been All But Dying to Ask a Medium

In the first book of its kind, she exposes the naked truth about the fate and happiness of our late loved ones with no-holds-barred honesty and delightfully wry humor, answering questions that range from the practical to the outrageous.

A Discourse Concerning the Happiness of Good Men, and the Punishment of the Wicked, in the Next World, &c. ...

... this World is not a pleasant Place ; that there is no difference between a Prince and a Slave , between Riches and Poverty , between Pain and Pleasure and Pleafure ; which is to perfuade Men out of their Senfes ; for they feel a ...

A discourse concerning the happiness of good men, and the punishment of the wicked, in the next world ... The fifth edition

... this World is not a pleasant Place ; that there is no Difference between a Prince and a Slave , between Riches and Poverty , between Pain and Pleafure ; which is to persuade Men out of their Senses ; for they feel a Difference . Our ...

A Discourse Concerning the Happiness of Good Men, and the Punishment of the Wicked, in the Next World: Containing the Proofs of the Immortality of the Soul, and Immortal Life ...

... no Re- compence for the Lofs of the Soul , I fhall not go about to prove it ; for the Senfe of Na- ture is ftronger and more powerful than any other Arguments : And did Men seriously con- fider , that the Purchase and Enjoyment of this ...

Men Like Gods: A Novel

... road through Slough , and now at half - past one he was soaring through wonderland with his own world half for- gotten . " Marvellous , " he repeated . " Marvellous . I knew that I should have a good holiday . But this , this ! " He was ...

The Christian Doctrine of Immortality

... faith forward more and more to the long future of the people of God , to the certainties of that future , to its satisfactions and its righteous adjustments . The Messianic hope , however , contained two things , the hope of the ...

My Descent Into Death: And the Message of Love Which Brought Me Back

A Howard Storm's full story: from his near death experience in Paris to his full recovery back home in the States, and the subsequent transformation of his life.

Scenes Beyond the Grave: Trance of Marietta Davis from Notes

... praise His name , the name of our God Most High . " We will bow down and worship at His feet . We will sing of His loving kindness . Waft , O ... chords of their golden harps , causing each note to reverberate as if ... name . The spell of ...

The Future Life

... me . 452. I have conversed with some on the third day after their decease , when the processes described in n . 449 , 450 , were com- pleted . Three of these spirits had been known to me in the world , and I told them that their friends ...

A Scientific Demonstration of the Future Life

... mere man possesses the same power of resur- rection after the death of the physical body . In other words , the mere fact that Christ , a God , rose from the dead does not demonstrate the principle of immortality for mankind . Again ...

The Destiny of the Soul: A Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life, with Six New Chapters, and a Complete Bibliography of the Subject

... de , 595 . Bocris , J. H. , the elder , 734 , Bourignon , Madame Antoinette 1264 . Bodenburg , 1695b . Bodenstein ... Str Ti Brownlee , W.A Brownson . O. A Bruce , John , 4 Bruch . J. F .. 4 Brucker , Jac 1975 . Bruzech , Hein Brunet ...

The Belief in Immortality and the Worship of the Dead

P.87-189; Central Australia - theory that the souls of the dead survive and are afterwards reborn as infants, child stones of Arunta, rocks and trees Warramunga; traditional origin of the totem centres, use and sanctity of ritual objects; ...

The Progress of the Intellect: As Ememplified in the Religious Development of the Greeks and Hebrews

... resident and in- closed within them 20. Hence the practice of pouring oil over them ; and Heraclitus compared image worship to talking to " houses , " for the same reason that the Christians supposed evil ... emblems of star and stone are ...

There's a Good Time Coming: Ballad : Quartette

... time coming boys , A good time coming , Theres a good time coming boys , A good time coming , There's a good time coming boys , A good time coming , There's a good time coming boys ... good time coming boys , Wait a little longer . 1316 CT 5.

Did I Exist Before? and Will I Be Born Again?

Suniti Chandra Mishra. 1970, Iran Blizzard in 1972, Indian Ocean Tsunami in 2004 — just to mention a few! In bygone days, many more deadly catastrophes were faced by humanity, such as Black Death in Europe which swept over a horrendous ...

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