category: byzantine empire

Realia Byzantina

Das Byzantinische Archiv ist die Begleitreihe der Byzantinischen Zeitschrift und umfasst sowohl Monographien als auch Sammelbände.

The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire: With Variorum Notes, Including Those of Guizot, Wenck, Schreiter, and Hugo

... Memoir and Remarks by H. W. Beechy . 2 vols . N. S. RICHTER ( Jean Paul ) . Levana , a Treatise on Education ; together with the Autobiography , and a short Memoir . N S. Flower , Fruit , and Thorn Pieces , or the Wedded Life , Death ...

The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire

... vices ; justice with cruelty , liberality with profusion , and the desire of fame with puerile and ostentatious vanity . He might have learned , that the ancient tribunes , so strong ... FOLLIES AND VICES OF RIENZI . His Vices and Follies •

Berliner byzantinistische Arbeiten

... ውዳሴ፡ ማርያም፡ ወቅዳሴ፡ ማርያም ። Ad- dis Abbaba 1943 A. Mis . 1950/51 A. D. ( Amharic translation and commentary ) . = 7. Edition of the same A in @ & ch6 : 2AT : edited by Tasfā Gabra Sellāsē , Addis Abbaba 1947 A. Mis . 8 ...

Byzantium in the Seventh Century

... battle fleet " which was based in Constantinople and the fleet of the " Carabisiani " or " Caravon " whose chief was usually the general of the " Caravon ” ( ships ) and under him the admiral ( Drungarius ) of the Cibyrrhaeots . It is ...

Byzantino-Normannica: The Norman Capture of Italy (to A. D. 1081) and the First Two Invasions in Byzantium (A.D. 1081-1085 and 1107-1108)

... Pouille / MATHIEU , p . 224-226 ; cf. SAVVIDES 2001b , p . 94. On Sigel- kaita's role see Guillaume de Pouille / MATHIEU , p . 226-227 ; Anna Komnene / LEIB , I , p . 160 ; Anna Comnena / SEWTER , p . 147 ; see also on her refs in ...

A History of Greece: From Its Conquest by the Romans to the Present Time, B.C. 146 to A.D. 1864

... Thermo- pylae , i . 93 ; barbarian invasions , i . 97 . Claudius II , victory at Naissus , i . 97 , 98 . Clavijo , Gonzalez de , iv . 387 . Clement IV , pope , iii . 361 . Clement V ... 280 , vi . 10 seq .; Greek , relation to Greek ...

A History of Greece: The Greek revolution, pt. 2: Establishment of the Greek kingdom

... Thermo- pylae , i . 93 ; barbarian invasions , i . 97 . Claudius II , victory at Naissus , i . 97 , 98 . Clavijo , Gonzalez de , iv . 387 . Clement IV , pope , iii . 361 . Clement V ... 280 , vi . 10 seq .; Greek , relation to Greek ...

The Greek revolution, pt. 2: Establishment of the Greek kingdom

... Thermo- pylae , i . 93 ; barbarian invasions , i . 97 . Claudius II , victory at Naissus , i . 97 , 98 . Clavijo , Gonzalez de , iv . 387 . Clement IV , pope , iii . 361 . Clement V ... 280 , vi . 10 seq .; Greek , relation to Greek ...

To Hellenikon: Byzantinoslavica, Armeniaca, Islamica, the Balkans and modern Greece

... Filocalia . Atti del " Simposio Internazionale sulla Filocalia , " Pontificio Collegio Greco , Roma novembre 1989 , Magnano ( VC ) ( 1991 ) : 181-207 . La première édition de Dobrotoljubie , étant devenue rare dès sa parution , a été ...

Литургия, архитектура и искусство византийского мира: труды ХVIII Международного конгресса византинистов, Москва, 8-15 августа 1991, и другие материалы, посвященные памяти О. Иоанна Мейендорфа

... Filocalia . Atti del Simposio In- ternazionale sulla Filocalia ... Roma , 1991 ; мне недоступно ) . Существование этой версии не лишает почвы изложенные в указанной работе соображения о том , что авва Фи- лимон не был монофизитом ...

Atti dello VIII Congresso internazionale di studi bizantini: Palermo 3-10 aprile 1951

... dal biz . dévdgov « albero » e « quercia » , attestato con entrambi i significati non solo nel bovese , ma in un'ampia zona della Grecia ( Peloponneso , Etolia , Attica ) ( 1 ) . Diremo lo stesso del regg . raćina , -eḍḍa « uva » e ...

Fasti Romani. The Civil and Literary Chronology of Rome and Constantinople from the Death of Augustus to the Death of Justin II. Vol. I. Tables

... Hieron . Anno 2383 Valentiniani 30 Hilarius episco- He congratulates Valens upon the victory obtained pus Pictaviis ... autumn A. D. 362 , when Acacius : conf . a . 340. 360. Hieron . Marcellæ tom . 3 Eunapius arrived at Athens : conf ...

Fasti Romani: Tables

... Hieron . Anno 2383 Valentiniani 30 Hilarius episco- He congratulates Valens upon the victory obtained pus Pictaviis ... autumn A. D. 362 , when Acacius : conf . a . 340. 360. Hieron . Marcella tom . 3 Eunapius arrived at Athens : conf ...

Fasti Romani: Appendix. From the death of Augustus to the death of Heraclius

... II 13. 15 C Pontianus et Rufus 14. 16 DAugurinus et Sergianus 228. 15. 17 ... Apro . cos . p . 322. 1-16 . sc . 1 Romæ : Pæt . et Apr. cos . Op . D ... II et Verus G Pompeianus et Atilianus H Pompeianus II et Commodus Vero III et Eggio ...

Guizot's Gibbon: History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire

... cephorus , and succeeds him , 162 , ii . His east- ern victories , 266 , ii ... heresy , 406 , i . Jovinus reduces the Alemanni , who had invaded Gaul , 338 ... massacre of the Gothic youth in Asia , 365 , i Jurisprudence , Roman , a ...

The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire

... cephorus , and succeeds him , 162 , ii . His east- ern victories , 266 , ii ... heresy , 406 , i . Jovinus reduces the Alemanni , who had invaded Gaul , 338 ... massacre of the Gothic youth in Asia , 365 , i Jurisprudence , Roman , a ...

Cross and Crescent

In the 11th century, Christians invade the Holy Land in a bid to take Jerusalem from the Moslems.

The Making of Byzantine History: Studies Dedicated to Donald M. Nicol

... Theotokos Evergetis continued to exercise influence on the monastic ideal throughout the twelfth century . One ... rule by the refounder of the monastery of St John Phoberos , 18 as well as by the refounder of St Symeon the New Theologian's ...

Justinian the Great, the Emperor and Saint: Illustrious Byzantine Emperor, Legislator, and Codifier of Law ...

... Ostrogorsky , op . cit . , p . 49 . 3 K. Amantos , Historia tou Byzantinou Kratous ( " History of the Byzantine State " ) , Vol . I , ( Athens , 1939 ) , p . 95f . 4 G. Ostrogorsky , op . cit . , p . 48 . 5 Ibid .; Th . Mommsen , " Das ...

Зборник радова Византолошког института

... Ostrogorsky long ago pointed out , while some members of the family might serve in the army , the rest of the family swelled the free peasant forces which could be occu- pied in the clearing of untilled grounds . " If the transfers of ...

Constantinople and the West: Essays on the Late Byzantine (Palaeologan) and Italian Renaissances and the Byzantine and Roman Churches

... by traveling westward . Strabo , too , had been translated during this period and probably had some effect on the type of thinking that led to the discovery of America.75 Mathematics , important per se but usually ancillary to astronomy ...


... Cono di Crisoni è rimasto appiccicato ad un Canonicato della Cattedrale di ... San Cono esisteva nelle pertinenze di Gerace sul finire del 1500 ( Carmelo ... libro II , cap . III , p . 373 ) riferisce ch'eravi in Fiumara di Muro un ...


... Visul Maicii Domnului ( « Le rêve de la Mère de Dieu » , où Marie prévoit en rêve la Passion de son fils ) , * nous préférons partager les vues de N. Cartojan , d'après lesquelles << le poème de la quête de Jésus » serait à ramener à un ...

Dumbarton Oaks Studies

... Index : books , ascetic and patristic John of Rila ( 10th c . founder ) , 125 , 126 , 129 , 248 ; testament of , see ... 2 John Xenos ( 11th c . founder ) , 143-46 , 296 , 328 ; Autobiography ( Bios kai politeia ) , see General Index ...

Byzantine Monastic Foundation Documents: A Complete Translation of the Surviving Founders' Typika and Testaments

... Index : books , ascetic and patristic John of Rila ( 10th c . founder ) , 125 , 126 , 129 , 248 ; testament of , see ... 2 John Xenos ( 11th c . founder ) , 143-46 , 296 , 328 ; Autobiography ( Bios kai politeia ) , see General Index ...


... III . Etude comparative . Or . Christ . Per . LIII ( 1987 ) 107-159 ... plegaria eucarística oriental . ( Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos , 439 ) ... II : The Sursum corda . Or . Christ . Per . LIV ( 1988 ) 47-77 . A. L. VIII C C. VOGEL ...

Byzantino-sicula II: miscellanea di scritti in memoria di Giuseppe Rossi Taibbi

... etimologia di questa voce che ri- mane misteriosa . Dal confronto dell'osco e peligno famel , lat . arc . famulfamulus ' coi derivati um- bro famerias gen . sing . f . ( tab . Ig . II b 2 ) familias , familiae ' , bant . famelo nom ...

The Chronicle of Zuqnīn: From the creation to the year 506/7 AD. Parts I and II

Parts III and IV cover the years 488 and 775 AD. In this volume, Parts I and II, including the author's dedicatory letter, are now published in an updated edition of the Syriac text and the first English translation.

Byzantine Studies: Études Byzantines

... wandering way of life . As soon as such external conditions set in that pro- mote assimilation and the wandering Gypsies have no way of escaping from such an environment , their traditional culture wanes fast , no matter how they may ...

Byzanzrezeption in Europa: Spurensuche über das Mittelalter und die Renaissance bis in die Gegenwart

Das Byzantinische Archiv ist die Begleitreihe der Byzantinischen Zeitschrift und umfasst sowohl Monographien als auch Sammelbände.

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