author: samael aun weor

INTRODUCCIÓN A LA GNOSIS: Métodos Gnósticos Para el Mundo de Hoy

Si usted quiere realmente adquirir estas tres cosas, debe estudiar y practicar todo lo que este curso le enseña. Nosotros le vamos a mostrar el camino del éxito." -Samael Aun Weor

The Gnostic Kabalistic Verb

Daath Gnosis, Samael Aun Weor. RENUNCIAA LOS DERECHOS DE AUTOR “...Agradezco ... Hoy por hoy, mis queridos hermanos, y por siempre, renuncio y he renunciado ... Gnosis: Bilingual Translations “The Book of the Virgin of.

Gnostic Christification

This book is 2 Texts, both written in 1963 by Samael Aun Weor and an Appendix which includes Samael's explanation of the Ray of Creation and references to the teachings of Gurdjieff.The first is the "Grand Gnostic Manifesto of the 2nd year ...

Fundamentals of Gnostic Education

This book radiates his brilliant teaching method, a beautiful reflection of the same approach utilized by our most important sages, philosophers, and thinkers, which is a form of superior logic and tremendous love that illustrates how vital ...

Introduction to Gnosis: Practical Steps to Awaken the Consciousness

Gnosis is, after all, "knowledge" (Greek), and each seeker is enjoined to "Know Thyself." This volume, although simple in its expression and thin in size, exudes the perfume of many centuries of profound Initiatic Wisdom.

Fundamentals of Gnostic Education: Learn Gnosis: Knowledge from Experience of the Facts

In this way, we no longer need to believe anything or follow anyone, but are free to express our fundamental nature and realize our full potential. This book guides us towards that experience, that gnosis.

Astrotheurgy: Gnostic Astrology, Initiatic Kabbalah, and the Awakening of the Consciousness

This edition contains three books in its covers: Zodiacal Course, Esoteric Treatise of Hermetic Astrology and The Manual of Practical Magic. In the first two books, Samael Aun Weor gives a complete discourse on the nature of Astrology.

Practical Astrology: Kabbalah, Tarot, and Consciousness: Self-Transformation Through Self-Knowledge

" This edition contains three books in its covers: Zodiacal Course, Esoteric Treatise of Hermetic Astrology And The Manual of Practical Magic. In the first two books, Samael Aun Weor gives a complete discourse on the nature of Astrology.

The Book of the Virgin of Carmel

... lecho sin mancilla, pero a los fornicarios y adúlteros juzgará Dios" (Vers. 4, Cap. 13 – Hebreos). "Que ninguno sea fornicario, o profano, como Esaú, que por una vianda vendió su primogenitura" (Vers. 16, Cap. 12 – Hebreos). Chapter ...

The Perfect Matrimony: The Door to Enter Into Initiation: Tantra and Sexual Alchemy Unveiled

... Sexual Magic with them. The master must be born within us by means of Sexual Magic. In the sunny land of Khem, there in the ancient Egypt of the Pharaohs, whosoever dared to reveal the great Arcanum (Sexual Magic) was condemned to death ...

The Perfect Matrimony: The Door to Enter Into Initiation: Why Sex and Religion are Inseparable

"Love is the highest religion...” - Samael Aun Weor, The Perfect Matrimony (1950) With the explanations in this book, you will understand not only many seemingly vague and incomprehensible scriptures, but also how all genuine spiritual ...

The Tibetan Exercises for Rejuvenation: Gnosis and the Yantra Yoga for Long Life

... kingdom. It then graduates into the plant kingdom, and subsequently into the animal kingdom. With each ascension the spark receives new capacities and higher grades of complexity. In the animal kingdom it learns procreation by ...

Christ and the Virgin: The Forgotten Purpose of Christianity

... Sexual Magic is practiced in Zen Buddhism. Sexual Magic is practiced among the Sufis. Sexual Magic is practiced in secret Christianity. Sexual Magic was practiced in the mystery schools of Mexico, the highlands of Peru, Egypt, Greece ...

Alchemy and Kabbalah

... Sexual Magic is known by the Sanskrit term Urdhvareta and the yogis who practice it are named Urdhavareta Yogis. Authentic yogis practice Sexual Magic with their spouse. There are two types of brahmacharya (sexual abstinence), solar and ...

The Divine Science: Prayers and Mantras for Protection and Awakening

... The Perfect Matrimony “It has been said in The Divine Comedy with complete clarity that the Holy Spirit is the husband of the Divine Mother. Therefore, the Holy Spirit unfolds himself into his wife, into the Shakti of the Hindus. This ...

Manual of Practical Magic

Samael Aun Weor remains largely unknown in the English-speaking world.

Practical Astrology: Self-transformation Through Self-knowledge

... death of the physical body, the ego, garbed with its lunar bodies, continues in the Molecular World. Three things go ... angels of death work. Mother Space, converted into Mother Death, dearly loves her children and that is why she takes ...

Kundalini Yoga: The Mysteries of the Fire: Ancient Secrets of Hinduism Revealed

It is no longer necessary to theorize or debate: through the practice of the techniques in this book, one can know. 'You will find terrific secrets within this book, secrets that never in the history of life were published.

Treatise of Revolutionary Psychology: The Practical Spirituality That Awakens Consciousness

... (perfect clairvoyance). - Samael Aun Weor, The Perfect Matrimony Personality: (Latin personae: mask) There are two fundamental types of personality: 1. Solar: the personality of the inner Being. This type is only revealed through the ...

The Initiatic Path in the Arcana of the Tarot and Kabalah (Bilingual)

... amor". Mother, “developing179 love”. ¿Cómo se va uno a coger de sus padres ... Yo, es el Verdadero Instructor, el Supremo "Gran Maestro", el Maestro de ... Tarot La Iniciación a través de los Arcanos del Tarot.

Esoteric Course of Kabalah (Bilingual)

... carta se le anuncia peligro, no se meta, pero si la carta sacada del dice, por ejemplo: "Buenos negocios", "Buena Suerte", le está indicando que no hay temor. Si la carta sacada lo confunde, tampoco lo haga. Los Gnósticos también pueden ...

The Perfect Matrimony Or the Door to Enter Into Initiation: Tantra and Sexual Alchemy Unveiled

"We have written this book with broad clarity; we have unveiled what was veiled. Now, whosoever wants to Self-realize in depth can rightly do so. Behold, here is the guide, here is the complete teaching.

The Perfect Matrimony: Tantra - the Door to Enter into Initiation

First published in 1950, this book was the first public revelation of the essential secret knowledge of every mystical tradition. It is this text that sparked a worldwide firestorm of interest in esoteric teachings.

The Perfect Matrimony Or the Door to Enter Into Initiation: Tantra and Sexual Alchemy Unveiled

"We have written this book with broad clarity; we have unveiled what was veiled. Now, whosoever wants to Self-realize in depth can rightly do so. Behold, here is the guide, here is the complete teaching.

Cosmic Ships: Truth and Lies about UFOs, Other Humanities, and Our Future

... The Perfect Matrimony: The Door to Enter into Initiation (1950) For more than fifty years, evidence has been accumulating that there is more to life in our corner of the universe than just fast food, taxes, and alcohol. From across the ...

Sacred Rites for Rejuvenation: A Simple, Powerful Technique for Healing and Spiritual Strength

... The Perfect Matrimony Innermost: “Our real Being is of a universal nature. Our real Being is neither a kind of superior nor inferior “I.” Our real Being is impersonal, universal, divine. He transcends every concept of “I,” me, myself ...

Treatise of Sexual Alchemy

... The Perfect Matrimony Evolution: “It is not possible for the true Human Being (the Selfrealized Being) to appear through the mechanics of evolution. We know very well that evolution and its twin sister devolution are nothing else but ...

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