author: ralph waldo trine

Every Living Creature - or Heart-Training Through the Animal World

... life of ours with least injury to the lives around us? How can we prevent our own life adding to the suffering of the world in which we live? . . . And at once we begin to see that, in our relations to the animal kingdom, a duty arises ...

THOUGHTS I MET ON THE HIGHWAY: Popular Books by RALPH WALDO TRINE : All times Bestseller Demanding Books

... thoughts, and your life will show forth in evil, and your body in weakness and repulsiveness. Think thoughts of love, and you will love and will be loved. Think thoughts of hatred, and you will hate and will be hated. Each follows its ...

My Philosophy and My Religion

... life here , as much as we ordinarily think , and also that as time passes we shall know still more . In any case it is quite time that we begin to look upon the transition ... life . It is then , and as a concomitant , that 118 MY PHILOSOPHY.

My Philosophy and My Religion

American mystic and bestselling author RALPH WALDO TRINE (1866-1958) was one of the most significant writers on New Thought principles, and here, in this charming 1921 volume, Trine reveals some of the ideas that he found "true and valuable ...

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