author: nina baym

Women Writers of the American West, 1833-1927

... the lottery-man next door setting in order his little black book covered with great spots like blood; the rattle of dice coming from the half-open basement next to us; the cries of stray vendors of sweetmeats; no sound of any language ...

The Scarlet Letter: A Reading

Presenting ideas that spark imaginations, these books help students to gain background knowledge on great literature useful for papers and exams.

The Norton Anthology of American Literature: Beginnings to 1865

Presents hundreds of stories, novels, poems, memoirs, and other writings by important authors throughout American history; and covers early stories from indigenous peoples through writing from 1865.

The Norton Anthology of American Literature

This 8th edition of 'The Norton Anthology of American Literature' presents complete major works, balancing classic and newly emergent works.

The Norton Anthology of American Literature

Under Nina Baym's direction, the editors have considered afresh each selection and all the apparatus to make the anthology an even better teaching tool.

The Norton Anthology of American Literature

A selection of American literature drawn from throughout history, beginning in 1820 and continuing through 1865. Includes a time line, color plates, and bibliographies.

The Norton Anthology of American Literature: Beginnings to 1820

The Eighth Edition features a diverse and balanced variety of works and thorough but judicious editorial apparatus throughout.

The Norton Anthology of American Literature: Beginnings to 1865

The new edition, which also newly includes much-requested authors and selections and 130 in-text images, remains an unmatched value for students.

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