author: martin tamcke

Die Suryoye und ihre Umwelt: 4. Deutsches Syrologen-Symposium in Trier 2004 : Festgabe Wolfgang Hage zum 70. Geburtstag

... ( șifāt Allah ) as expressed in the ' beauti- ful names ' ( al - asmā ' al - ḥusnā ) of God culled from the Qur'an.36 This under- taking typically involved the claim that all of the attributes of essence and action can reasonably be shown ...

Armut und Gesundheit

Der Zusammenhang von Armut und Krankheit, bzw. mangelnder Gesundheit, ist immer schon klar ersichtlich gewesen.

Scripture's interpretation is more than making science: Festschrift for Prof. Vasile Mihoc

... Filocalia, vol. 3, introduction, translation and notes by D. Stăniloae, ed. a II-a, Bucureşti 1994, 149f. In the same way writes also Schnackenburg, Johannesevangelium, 337: “Dadurch [daß die Diener die großen Wasserkrüge bis oben ...

Construction of the Other, Identification of the Self: German Mission in India

... romantic' stories dominate missionary reports. They illustrate how eager and desperate Telugu women were to embrace Christianity. This may also had the purpose of encouraging young German readers, especially women, to pursue missionary ...

Scripture's Interpretation is More Than Making Science: Festschrift for Prof. Vasile Mihoc

... Mk 8 : 34-9 : 1 adds an instruction about true disci- pleship . The text ... moves from spiritual blindness to full insight ( like , for example , the ... Markusevangelium , 278 , who T. Nicklas , Mark's Image of Peter 93.

Mystik - Metapher - Bild: Beiträge des VII. Makarios-Symposiums, Göttingen 2007 ; [23. bis 26. August 2007]

... Messalianism that can be considered to have its own life. Regardless of what the people said Messalians actually thought and did, this list reflects what other people thought and claimed they were about. A very different approach to the ...

Body, Emotion and Mind

... NSD's include preponderance of women13 and the association of NSDs with stressful life-events14. Therefore, we intended to focus on distress in women with NSD core criteria and negative life-events reported by them in the rapidly ...

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