author: johann peter lange

Genesis, Or, the First Book of Moses: Together with a General Theological and Homiletical Introduction to the Old Testament

... curse shall smite thee from this land ; that has done violence to nature ... vagabond upon the earth . 7 , a paranomasia , them . There is the serpent ... curse of Cain , the the second ( from 7 ) the outward fleeing , roving , earth is ...

A Commentary on the Holy Scriptures: Critical, Doctrinal, and Homiletical

... curse shall smite thee from this land ; that has done violence to nature itself , even to the ground , is , here ... vagabond upon the earth . 71 , a paranomasia , them . There is the serpent cursed directly as Cain as in ch . i . 2. The ...

A Commentary on the Holy Scriptures: Genesis

... curse proper , how- ever , of Cain must be , that through the power of his guilt - consciousness he must become a fugitive and a vagabond upon the earth . 71 , a paranomasia , as in ch . i . 2. The first word ( participle from 3 * 3 ) ...

A Commentary on the Holy Scriptures: Critical, Doctrinal, and Homiletical

... Luke 11 , 12 . Catholic Epistles , the , Jas . 1 sqq . , 9 . Catholicity , true , Matt . 330 . Causes and effects in Christ's kingdom , Acts 346 . CELANO , THOMAS A. , author of " Dies Ira , " Matt . 452 , Note . Celibacy , argument ...

A Commentary on the Holy Scriptures: Ezekil, Daniel

... kingdoms as such , but only the in- creasing diminution and shattering of ... iron , and part of clay . The nominative which precedes is really ... iron and clay , indicates the weakness of the feet which support the great colossus ...

A Commentary on the Holy Scriptures: Samuel

... death of David , since the whole number of years of his reign is given . But ... kingdom into the kingdoms of Judah and Israel . HAEVERNICK'S explanation ( p ... book was composed ; probably it was before the destruction of the kingdom of ...

A Commentary on the Holy Scriptures: Critical, Doctrinal, and Homiletical

... death of David , since the whole number of years of his reign is given . But ... kingdom into the kingdoms of Judah and Israel . HAEVERNICK's explanation ( p ... book was composed ; probably it was before the destruction of the kingdom of ...

A Commentary on the Holy Scriptures: Critical, Doctrinal, and Homiletical: With Special Reference to Ministers and Students

... death of David , since the whole number of years of his reign is given . But ... kingdom into the kingdoms of Judah and Israel . HAEVERNICK's explanation ( p ... book was composed ; probably it was before the destruction of the kingdom of ...

A Commentary on the Holy Scriptures: Kings

... faith in the living God , who with which it is clad for the sake of love ... your God ; I not only because he had been healed , but because will give it to ... new home . When we hear here and there in Christian lands the names Bethany ...

A Commentary on the Holy Scriptures: Critical, Doctrinal, and Homiletical: With Special Reference to Ministers and Students

... prophet is . They teach and attest practically the truth of the Psalmist's words ( Ps . xxxiii . 18 , 19 ) , which ... sons of the prophets . Whereas in the first two narratives it is individual faithful servants of Je- hovah , who experience ...

A Commentary on the Holy Scriptures: Critical, Doctrinal, and Homilectical, with Special Reference to Ministers and Students

... faith in the living God , who with which it is clad for the sake of love ... your God ; I not only because he had been healed , but because will give it to ... new home . When we hear here and there in Christian lands the names Bethany ...

A Commentary on the Holy Scriptures: Exodus, Leviticus

... Azazel with the Devil ; on the other hand , Theodoret ( Qu . xxii . in Lev . ) and Cyril ( Glaph . ) concur with the interpretation of Jerome . Suidas and Hesychius make the LXX . àrожоμлÝ — ȧπоτрожh- averruncus , the averter of evil ...

A Commentary on the Holy Scriptures: Critical, Doctrinal, and Homilectical, with Special Reference to Ministers and Students

... Azazel with the Devil ; on the other hand , Theodoret ( Qu . xxii . in Lev . ) and Cyril ( Glaph . ) concur with the interpretation of Jerome . Suidas and Hesychius make the LXX . άложоμлý - ȧлотрож- averruncus , the averter of evil ...

A Commentary on the Holy Scriptures: Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther

... merits . These are- 1st . That , without it , the appearance and address of ... merit in what they call a “ work of art . " But , aside from this , there is ... darkness . " And this suggests the- 3d Ground , namely , That the whole ...

A Commentary on the Holy Scriptures: Critical, Doctrinal, and Homiletical

... 5. My flesh is clothed with worms and crusts of earth . 7 , decay ... DND , a variant of DP ( comp . Ewald , 1146 ) [ Green , 139 , 3 ] , Ps . lviii . 8 . Ver ... beholder , my visitor , and so of my friend , who comes to see me and to ...

A Commentary on the Holy Scriptures: Critical, Doctrinal, and Homiletical

... Egyptian into Assyria , And the Egyptians shall serve with ' the Assyrians ... swear by one " ( lxii . 8 ; Amos vi . a Ir Ha - heres . b And . Assyria ... words occurs always only in a bad sense . Thus Ezek . the ancient versions at least ...

A Commentary on the Holy Scriptures: Critical, Doctrinal, and Homiletical: With Special Reference to Ministers and Students

... Egyptian into Assyria , And the Egyptians shall serve with ' the Assyrians ... words occurs always only in a bad sense . Thus Ezek . xxx . 17 calls the ... swear by one " ( lxii . 8 ; Amos vi . 8 ; viii . 7 , etc. ) ; the former is " to ...

A Commentary on the Holy Scriptures: Isaiah

... Egyptian into Assyria , And the Egyptians shall serve with ' the Assyrians ... swear by one " ( lxii . 8 ; Amos vi . 8 ; viii . 7 , etc. ) ; the former is ... words occurs always only in a bad sense . Thus Ezek . XXX . 17 calls the city ...

A Commentary on the Holy Scriptures: Minor prophets

... iron and clay forms the symbol of division in his view ; and this mixture , according to him , pertains only to the ... kingdoms ( originally four , from which , how- ever , a constantly increasing number of smaller independent states was ...

Genesis, Or The First Book of Moses: Together with a General Theological and Homiletical Introduction to the Old Testament

... Genesis , p . 71 ff . The Patristic literature ; mainly Irenaeus , Origen , Eusebius , Cyrillus , Alexandrinus Hieronymus , Augustinus , & c . , p . 73. The Rabbinic literature : Solomon Isaac ( Raschi , under the erroneous name Jarchi ) ...

The Life of the Lord Jesus Christ: A Complete Critical Examination of the Origin, Contents, and Connection of the Gospels

... in the form of political crime . In this respect they were both substantially at one , that the failure of their under- taking had filled them with rage . Thus they were led with Jesus to Golgotha . They saw that they were set forth as ...

A Commentary on the Holy Scriptures: Job

... may be preserved though the sky fall and the earth be moved . " PART SECOND . THE DANGER REMOVED . CHAPS . VI.-X. ... FEUARDENT ( from Rupert , De victoria verbi , VIII . , 18 ) : " In order that he may give over a huge wild beast , as ...

A Commentary on the Holy Scriptures: Critical, Doctrinal, and Homilectical, with Special Reference to Ministers and Students

... belief ; the Father , and sent into the world ( the aorists at once real and ... John v . 18 ; vii . 23 . Be made invalid , subverted . Meyer : The ... belief in His personality will be pro- duced in them . There would hardly be an im ...

A Commentary on the Holy Scriptures: Critical, Doctrinal, and Homiletical: With Special Reference to Ministers and Students

... Penitent Thief the prom- ise of the resurrection of the just , and of further participation in the blessings of the Messianic king dom . Respecting the Jewish popular conception of the future state , comp . SEPP , iii . p . 557 seq ...

A Commentary on the Holy Scriptures: Critical, Doctrinal, and Homiletical, with Special Reference to Minsters and Students ...

... words ; that is , Mark Talitha cumi , and other expressions , speak against will emphasize the wrestling importunity in this this opinion . Accordingly , ó Tarp is certainly an petition likewise , while Matthew gives prominence to ...

A Commentary on the Holy Scriptures: Critical, Doctrinal, and Homiletical, with Special Reference to Ministers and Students

... the wilderness of this name to the wilderness of Maon . Rehoboam fortified the city , whose ruins , according to Robinson ( ii . 191 ) , " lie on a low hill or ridge between two small Wadies which com- mence here and run toward the Dead ...

A Commentary on the Holy Scriptures: Joshua, Judges, Ruth

... the wilderness of this name to the wilderness of Maon . Rehoboam fortified the city , whose ruins , according to Robinson ( ii . 191 ) , " lie on a low hill or ridge between two small Wadies which com- the second and third . Haihul ...

A Commentary on the Holy Scriptures: Critical, Doctrinal, and Homiletical

... 3 Ver . 12.- , Niph . part . of V , to despair . Comp . Comm . on ii . 25 . a thing not to be hoped . ] Ver . 12.— . The expression ... etc.-S. R. A. ] 8 Ver . 15. — The form here only in the Chethibh ; Ps ... expression occurs here only . Comp ...

A Commentary on the Holy Scriptures: Critical, Doctrinal, and Homiletical: With Special Reference to Ministers and Students

... kingdom of God and His righteousness , in the fullest and most perfect sense ... 3. the eye gives light to the whole body . - The eye and the sun : 1. The ... Treasures upon earth . " A contradiction , when viewed in con- nection with our ...

The Life of the Lord Jesus Christ: A Complete Critical Examination of the Origin, Contents, and Connection of the Gospels

... of our Lord's Passion ( p . 236 ) , that Christ entered into a connection with human sin mainly by ' realiz- ing , as He only could , its extent , its inveteracy , its malignity ; ' and that all this vast iniquity being present to His ...

A Commentary on the Holy Scriptures: Critical, Doctrinal, and Homiletical

... must away to the place of punish- ious presage become then omens of judgment . For , ment ; ver . 16 . as sin is the distortion of that which should be be- tween man and God ... begin at the house of God . 1. It must begin , for God , the ...

A Commentary on the Holy Scriptures: Ezekiel

... iron and clay forms the symbol of division in his view ; and this mixture , according to him , pertains only to the ... kingdoms ( originally four , from which , how- ever , a constantly increasing number of smaller independent states was ...

A Commentary on the Holy Scriptures: Critical, Doctrinal, and Homiletical: With Special Reference to Ministers and Students

... iron and clay forms the symbol of division in his view ; and this mixture , according to him , pertains only to the ... kingdoms ( originally four , from which , how- ever , a constantly increasing number of smaller independent states was ...

A Commentary on the Holy Scriptures: Critical, Doctrinal, and Homiletical: With Special Reference to Ministers and Students

... N. D. F. K. L. The suspicion of an addition from the text of the LXX . is outweighed by the probability of the transcriber's confusing συντετμ . with the συντέμνων . 27 Ver . 29— [ A verbatim citation from the LXX , Isa . 1. 9 , where ...

The Epistle of Paul to the Romans

... nation for the Presidency : Let us have peace ) .- P . S. ] peace ; comp ... vnv ovτes nos os , and other classical parallels quoted by Meyer and ... illusion . Being at peace with God , we are at peace with ourselves and with our fellow ...

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