author: eric maisel

The Magic of Sleep Thinking: How to Solve Problems, Reduce Stress, and Increase Creativity While You Sleep

Imagine solving problems and increasing creativity while you sleep. Grounded in current brain research, this tool for idea management and life-purpose clarification provides answers that lead to actions and positive changes.

The Great Book of Journaling: How Journal Writing Can Support a Life of Wellness, Creativity, Meaning and Purpose

... books , online , and training centers . But there also aren't quick shortcuts to developing any mental skill . Mindfulness requires repetition , intent , and a neutral type of reception . These are also part of a journaling practice ...

The Art of the Book Proposal

... title. • Do you have a strong title for your book? • Can you say in a sentence or two why it is a strong title? • Does your title reflect what this book is about (and not what you originally intended the book to be about)? • Does your title ...

Deconstructing ADHD: Mental Disorder or Social Construct?

... children's free play and “ rough and tumble ” activities.1 Richard Louv , author of the best - selling book Last Child in the Woods : Saving Our Children From Nature - Deficit Disorder , quotes a fourth- grade boy who said he liked to ...

Humane Alternatives to the Psychiatric Model: Humane Alternatives to the Psychiatric Model

... Assessment , and Consensus Recommendations . Western Journal of Emergency Medicine 18 ( 4 ) : 640-646 . perceptual , and / or emotional disturbances . Notable examples 46 Importance of Recognizing the Medical Causes of Psychiatric Symptoms.

Creative Recovery: A Complete Addiction Treatment Program That Uses Your Natural Creativity

... chase that original high that never comes again. Known as euphoric recall,it is like continuing to go to a job that you once loved but no longer even like, one that is increasingly painful and where you've stopped getting a paycheck. In ...

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