author: dantse dantse

Reggae Love: Love in the African Way - Three White Women, One Black Man Volume 2: The moving fight for love – just words or proof of love? A true story, beyond what is possible to imagine

... monster penis that's supposed to prove how primitive, wild and sexdriven we are. Much to the white men's dismay, white women love it a lot to be eaten and sucked dry by those blood obsessed vampires,” Johnny added. Both laughed their ...

The yes-you-can Anti-CANCER Book - Our Nutrition - Our Friend and Enemy: Cancer Cell Feeder, Cancer Cell-Killers, Cancer Cell Preventers: Foods and an African inspired diet which protect you from cancer and help you to fight it -YES YOU CAN!

... books. Yes, that was my little "anecdote" about milk. Is milk really a factor of cancer? Before and during the writing of this book, as I mentioned at the beginning of the book, I was constantly doing surveys, constantly on forums ...

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