author: amy h sturgis

Star Trek: Essays Exploring the Final Frontier

... John Titor, an Internet user who claimed to be a time traveler from 2036 ... book The Biggest Secret, inspired by Sitchin's Nibiru claims.38 The “Distant ... novel Bowl of Heaven.40 The basic premise of “Distant Origin” is a parable for ...

Star Wars: Essays Exploring a Galaxy Far, Far Away

... language (though the Mandalorian seems proficient with it), but also by a system of hand signs and gestures.59 For the first season of The Mandalorian, the Tusken Sign Language, as it has come to be known, was created by Oscar- winning ...

The Trail of Tears and Indian Removal

Explores the events surrounding the removal of Native American tribes along the Trail of Tears in 1838, explaining the government's motives and the devastating impact their actions had on the country's Native American population.

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