The British Film Catalogue, 1895-1970: A Reference Guide

The British Film Catalogue, 1895-1970: A Reference Guide
Authors: Denis Gifford
Published on: 1973
Page Count: 1064 pages
Print Type: BOOK
Categories: Motion-pictures
Maturity Rating: NOT_MATURE
Language: en
Embeddable: No
PDF Available: No
EPUB Available: No
ISBN-13: ISBN-13 not available
ISBN-10: ISBN-10 not available
Text snippet not available

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... Barcelona , 1582. 8 ° . 4625. a . [ Another edition . ] Barcelona , 1594. 8o . 4823. a . With the autograph of E. Baluze . Mount Carmel . - Temple et Hospice de la Vierge Marie au Mont - Carmel . Notice sur le Temple et l'Hospice du ...

British Museum Catalogue of printed Books: Edited 1881-1889 by R. Garnett; 1890-1900 and Supplement by A. W. K. Miller. 393 pt. Späterer Titel: British Museum. Catalogue of printed books

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... Mexico , 1843. 8 ° . ... 9771. c . 15 . Fatho - l - Andaluçi . Historia de ... ladas por dichos autores ; las de Sandoval . . . , y las de Ayala ; las de ... todo con el Templo de las Glorias Españolas , diccionario historial de España ...

British Museum Catalogue of printed Books: Edited 1881-1889 by R. Garnett; 1890-1900 and Supplement by A. W. K. Miller. 393 pt. Späterer Titel: British Museum. Catalogue of printed books

... Novena al Sagrado Corazon de Jesus . Bogotá , 1854. 16 ° . Novo A.B.C. á vida paixão e Jesus Christo , etc. See F. , J. S. 1861. 32 ° . 3455. ccc . 32. ( 4. ) morte de ... JESUS CHRIST . Of the Divinity of Christ . ( 149 150 JESUS JESUS.

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