The Critical Review: Or, Annals of Literature

The Critical Review: Or, Annals of Literature
Authors: Tobias Smollett
Published on: 1801
Page Count: 588 pages
Print Type: BOOK
Categories: Books
Maturity Rating: NOT_MATURE
Language: en
Embeddable: Yes
PDF Available: Yes
EPUB Available: No
ISBN-13: ISBN-13 not available
ISBN-10: ISBN-10 not available
... a necklace of gold or precious stones , and ear - rings of gold or of diamonds . They bind their hair together in a roll on the top of the head , and paint on the forehead some sacred mark . They bear in their hand an umbrella of palı ...

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The Critical Review, Or, Annals of Literature

... shadow a small part of this immensity of sand ; the wind traverses these ... shadow of our dromedary , and e flitting forms of some antelopes . The deep silence ... The serpents and the camelions withdrew , into the recesses of the earth ...

The Critical Review, Or, Annals of Literature

... chart of Eratofthenes , and having dif- covered the correction , the refult is , that Eratofthenes is much nearer the pofition of the best modern charts than Ptolemy . The charts , which M. Goffelin has constructed for this geo- grapher ...

The Critical Review: Or, Annals of Literature

... war , to which every science is tributary , and which increases with the progressive improvement of the ... the great skeleton , of the osteology , as it were , of the mountains , has furnished generals and officers of the staff with great ...

The Critical Review: Or, Annals of Literature

... genial fun And virgin earth fuch scenes enfue , The force of art by nature feems outdone , And fancied beauties by the true : In happy climes the feat of innocence , Where nature guides and virtue rules , Where men shall not impose for ...

The Critical Review, Or, Annals of Literature

... genial fun , her fkin Is finely clouded o'er with glofly blue . O ! let no rugged fhocks , no furious blaft , ori Disturb or rock our orchards , richly hung no < With yellow treafures , no injurious wind ? • Precipitate their burden to ...

The Critical Review: Or, Annals of Literature

... wicked are fent to hell as fo many incur- ables , the fecond death , cur author conceives , ought to be confidered as that , which will put a final period to their exist- ence . If it fhould be faid , that it will tend to encourage wicked ...

The Critical Review: Or, Annals of Literature

... light intermitted from the paper through the base , which , as has been ... reflecting paper ; and the green colour , which it is not very easy to ... chords to the arc . The doctor makes use of this appearance to ascertain the nature of ...

The Critical Review, Or, Annals of Literature

... light intermitted from the paper through the base , which , as has been ... reflecting paper ; and the green colour , which it is not very easy to ... chords to the arc . doctor makes use of this appearance to ascertain the nature of any ...

The Critical Review, Or, Annals of Literature

... loud clarion try th ' aërial aim To blow thy feats , and magnify thy fame ... poetry thrown away , as in this pamphlet . The author writes in a rage . He fets out ... rubric his vile cheeks o'erfpread , And Scorn difcharge her quiver at his ...

The Critical Review: Or, Annals of Literature

... a necklace of gold or precious stones , and ear - rings of gold or of diamonds . They bind their hair together in a roll on the top of the head , and paint on the forehead some sacred mark . They bear in their hand an umbrella of palı ...

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