publisher: librairie droz

L'apologétique chrétienne gréco-latine à l'époque prénicénienne: sept exposés suivis de discussions : Vandœuvres-Genève, 13-17 Septembre 2004

... HEKATE SOTEIRA . A Study of Hekate's Roles in the Chaldean Oracles and Related Literature , American Classical Studies 21 ( Atlanta , Georgia 1990 ) . W. KINZIG , " War der Neuplatoniker Porphy- rios ursprünglich Christ ? " , in ...

The Portrait in Twelfth-century French Literature: An Example of the Stylistic Originality of Chrétien de Troyes

... book , namely , Chrétien's originality as a portraitist . To determine this ... half times as often as the other writers . As in identifying the salient ... hyperbole is a stylistic constant in the portraits of Chrétien's rivals ; but he ...

"Calvinus præceptor Ecclesiæ" : papers of the International Congress on Calvin Research, Princeton, August 20-24, 2002

... en 1563 ( latin ) et 1564 ( français ) . Au registre des différences les plus remarquables , la prédication de Calvin s'adresse à la fin des années 1550 aux nombreux réfugiés français , éduquant , informant , moulant leur foi réformée ...

Emblems and Alchemy

... moon's phases in Paradise Lost was unforced . From the options available to ... poem's chronology by holding back the start of the cosmic clock for two days ... moon's phases do not conflict with the chronology proposed by Fowler ...

Graphic History: The Wars, Massacres and Troubles of Tortorel and Perrissin

... conventional features recur throughout prior tournament scenes . The competition is shown taking place within an enclosed ... torneamento fatto il lunedi Carnouale in Roma nel Theatro Vaticano , etching , 1565 , Anne SK Brown Military ...

The Italian Emblem: A Collection of Essays

... Spiritual and Demonic Magic , p . 5 . 30 See Walker , Spiritual and Demonic Magic , p . 6 , nn . 3 and 4 . 31 See Walker , Spiritual and Demonic Magic , p . 7 , n . 2 . 32 See Walker , Spiritual and Demonic Magic , pp . 8-9 , n . 3 . 33 ...

Sénèque le tragique: huit exposés suivis de discussions

... métrica ( sus unidades , su funcionamiento en cada uno de los distintos ... equivalencia entre una sílaba larga y dos breves ) se da en los versos del ... métrica ) est apertior ( más evidente que en la prosa artística ) , prosa artística ...

De Arte Graphica (Paris, 1668)

... plus pesante . Vous donc que la Déesse inventrice des arts Favorise en naissant de ses plus doux regards , 680 Entrez dans la carrière et remplis de courage ... plus Le Corrège brilla par sa noble23 manière De peindre avec 502 APPENDIX.

History and Biography in the Work of Erasmus of Rotterdam

... history . It is here that Erasmus ' part was rarely matched by his contemporaries and remained largely unnoticed by modern scholarship . The impact of humanism on the techniques of historical writing may be outlined in this way . From ...

Le répértoire narratif arabe médiéval, transmission et ouverture: actes de Colloque international (Liège, 15-17 september 2005)

... kafānī minka ḥarban tumma ka al - layla mā urāhu illā kalban qāla : ta Allāhi mā raʼaytu ka al - layla mā urāhu illā ... qad intaḍāhu wa huwa qad intaḍāhu wa šammara wa huwa yaqūlu wāqif alā bāb bayt fi dārihi wa huwa yaqulu 26 Il faut ...

Madame Bovary : a psychoanalytical reading

... himself who had not intended to kill somebody else is proved by the depressive suicide . >> 38 Karl Menninger puts ... Man Against Himself , p . 29 . 40 Letter of June 20 , 1853 to Louise Colet , Correspondance , III , 241-242 . Madame ...

Occult Arts and Doctrine in the Theatre of Juan Ruiz de Alarcón

... Católica , la otra es diabólica . " He compares the activities and ceremonies of ... Iglesia católica hay Sacra- mentos por Cristo , que es Dios y Hombre ... los diez mandamientos , NBAE , XVI [ Madrid , 1911 ] , p . 22 b ) . 8 Op ...

Medieval French Literature and the Crusades (1100-1300)

... Pouille and the Dit de Pouille : and there are striking similarities between them too . Both open with an assertion of the salvation to be gained by taking the cross ( Chanson , vv . 1-8 ; Dit , vv . 1-12 ) ; continue with a statement ...

Flux and Reflux: Ambivalence in the Poems of Arthur Rimbaud

... Vagabonds , a prose poem from the Illuminations which deserves to be juxtaposed with Délires I. While the Vierge ... skills of the Epoux Infernal , the vagabonds seem quite confident in the narrator's powers , if only he can apply them ...

Philip Melanchthon's Annotationes in Johannem in Relation to Its Predecessors and Contemporaries

... summaries of them to exclude such notions in order to focus rather upon the faith and mortification of the justified sinner . His concluding comments on Jn 6 are particularly telling . The summary of the chapter : In this chapter you ...

Love in the Theatre of Marivaux

... love in a dream - world of chivalry as the fact that the reader feels their ... story without any detectable element of parody in it - or in other words ... La Vie de Marianne . 11 A similar situation can be found at the beginning of ...

The Fables of La Fontaine: Wisdom Brought Down to Earth

... love is condemned on all sides . It was associated in the New Testament with the words of Jesus's warning that a man with a beam in his own eye cannot see to remove the mote from the eye of another ( Matthew 7. 3-4 ) . Erasmus records ...

Renaissance Studies: Articles 1966-1994

... en caprice & en cervel , & vous faire crucifier vous mesme par une envie qui vous ronge le cœur , de me voir estimé des peuples estrangers & de ceux de ma nation " . 11 The Spanish ambassador in France , Chantonay , wrote on 23 November ...

Benjamin Fondane, a Presentation of His Life and Works

... poems demonstrate attests to the fact that for Fondane too , spontaneity is not irreconcilable with conventional molds . In providing this poetic response however , Fondane continues to ... poem , as opposed to 126 PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS.

Economic Discrimination Against the United States in Western Europe (1945-1958)

... Agreement was in force , for the use of inconvertible currencies accumulated ... domestic measures . Yet the concept of multilateralism and of convertibility were anathema to the British government and to large segments of the British public ...

Ronsard and the Hellenic Renaissance in France

... cru de tout temps à une certaine persistance de l'être humain après la mort . Mais rien n'est plus difficile que de ... concepts of the after - life existed side by side . These peoples were concerned primarily with this life , but ...

Thuanus: The Making of Jacques-Auguste de Thou (1553-1617)

... vrine , faucon or fauconneau ... ) , or their operators ( arquebusiers , carabins , bombardiers ... ) that may have ... ( e.g. Lambinus for ' Lambin ' , or Brugensis for ' of Brugge ' ) , partial or complete translation ( such as the ...

Ioannis Calvini Scripta didactica et polemica

... issue of the Epistolae duae 208 is debated , namely if the church of Rome ... 1 , 199 ( ep . 37 ) . 207 208 About these six letters and another six ... ay de vostre voca- tion au ministère que vous teniez " ) and the extensive passage 190 ...

Webs of Allusion: French Protestant Emblem Books of the Sixteenth Century

... darkness as an image for not recognising the truth ( 2 Peter 1 : 9 ; 2 Cor ... allusions , first to Job's wife who also , famously , looked back ( Gen. 19:26 ) ... heart : here Montenay concentrates on the heart which must be ' net sans ...

A Chronology of Leonardo Da Vinci's Architectural Studies After 1500

... Codex Atlanticus containing studies of military architecture . Leonardo is interested in a system of underground tunnels for fortresses , a subject he had already included in his program presented to Lodovico Sforza : ... Also I have ...

The Royal Funeral Ceremony in Renaissance France

... days after the death . 61 But by this time ( i.e. , after Henry IV ) the effigy ritual had been dropped , and the custom was to take the coffin quickly to Saint - Denis and display it within a catafalque for 40 ... Catholic church as well as ...

The Design of Rabelais's

... ( TL 7 : 372-73 and 47 : 494 ) . Pantagruel's symmetrical design is thus contained within three concentric frames which extend the symmetry of the quest outward to the very extremities of the book , so that virtually every episode in and ...

The Legal Protection of Know-how in the United States of America

... Ct . Err . & App . ) : III 127 ; IV 137 ; VII 181 , 201 , 540 . J Jacobson & Co. v . International Environment Corp ... Jud . Ct . ) : IV 136 , 169 , 181 , 192 ; VII 156 , 160 . Juliano v . Hobart Mfg . Co. , 132 USPQ 339 , 200 F. Supp ...

Etudes rabelaisiennes

... Tiers Livre de 1552 donnée par Fezandat respecte dans 95 % des cas les caractéristiques de ce système 16 , celle du ... M.-A. Screech , Genève , Droz , 1964 , p . XXVIII . 14 V. P.-P. Plan , Bibliographie rabelaisienne , Paris , Imprimerie ...

Esculape et Dionysos: mélanges en l'honneur de Jean Céard

... Bruzol , Brethon gros 139 , dedans laquelle il a dit estre quelques de ses robbes tant fourrees de martres que simples , avec certains sacs & tiltres apartenans aud . S de Bruzol . [ 21 ] Item pareillement a declairé qu'il a en sa garde ...

The Socialist Calculation Debate After the Upheavals in Eastern Europe: Papers Given at a Conference Held at the Centre D'Etudes Interdisciplinaires Walras-Pareto, University of Lausanne

... modifications in models of market socialism can or will succeed completely in meeting the conventional efficiency criteria associated with a pure capitalist model . Since the modified models invaria- bly retain more restrictions on ...

The Reader's Figure: Epideictic Rhetoric in Plato, Aristotle, Bossuet, Racine and Pascal

... recap . The speech begins with a double movement : on the one hand , the absence of the dead is replaced by the speech , as the law requires , and on the other this founding relation to absence is itself conjured away , made absent . The ...

La Nouvelle Héloïse: Rousseau and Utopia

... confession in his own letter to Saint - Preux concerning her death , so he too must have been cognizant of how conclusively his experiment had failed . Julie writes that she tried , but that love was too powerful to be overcome : " J'ai ...

Dante and the French Romantics

... Chants du psalmiste , 1840 ) de- scribes its hero as le damné dans toute sa souffrance , Le damné qui n'a plus de foi ni d'espérance ; and Latouche's ' Insomnie ' includes the lines L'âge est un mal de plus qui n'éteint pas les autres ...

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