The Complete Works in Verse and Prose of Abraham Cowley: Now for the First Time Collected and Edited: with Memorial Introduction and Notes and Illustrations, Portraits, Etc

The Complete Works in Verse and Prose of Abraham Cowley: Now for the First Time Collected and Edited: with Memorial Introduction and Notes and Illustrations, Portraits, Etc
Authors: Abraham Cowley
Published on: 1881
Page Count: 392 pages
Print Type: BOOK
Maturity Rating: NOT_MATURE
Language: en
Embeddable: Yes
PDF Available: Yes
EPUB Available: No
ISBN-13: ISBN-13 not available
ISBN-10: ISBN-10 not available
... Mexica sævam Tlazoteralla colit ) bene olenti fronde decora Aguacata . Aguacata favet , Fructúsque effictus in Ovum ... Vestimenta , domos , panem , bellaria , vinum , Et mensas , lectósque , et vasa , et poculo magna , Et Lactis mollem ...

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