Daughters of the Goddess, Daughters of Imperialism: African Women, Culture, Power and Democracy

Daughters of the Goddess, Daughters of Imperialism: African Women, Culture, Power and Democracy
Publisher: Zed Books
Authors: Ifi Amadiume
Published on: 2000
Page Count: 328 pages
Print Type: BOOK
Categories: Social Science
Maturity Rating: NOT_MATURE
Language: en
Embeddable: No
PDF Available: No
EPUB Available: No
ISBN-13: ISBN-13 not available
ISBN-10: ISBN-10 not available
... inheritance rights among , 109 ; position of women , 165 ; use of language , 97 ; vigilantism of women , 168 ; weddings among , 136 ; women , militant action by , 196 ; women's belonging to associations , 66 , 223 Ighodaro , Irene ...

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