The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine

Published on: 1892
Page Count: 984 pages
Print Type: BOOK
Categories: American literature
Maturity Rating: NOT_MATURE
Language: en
Embeddable: Yes
PDF Available: Yes
EPUB Available: No
ISBN-13: ISBN-13 not available
ISBN-10: ISBN-10 not available
... kiss for me true love I've always to spare , One hour o ' each day - wid kisses I'm there ; One hour o❜ each day ... luck to a rogue . " So early , sir , you are abroad , no other you have met ; I'm sorry , sir , I came this way , bad luck ...

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Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine ...

... finally focused the national power of Spain , and was actually menacing the soil of France . His famous « march to Vitoria , » as it has been called because of the decisive bat- tle fought at that place on June 21 , 1813 , forced ...

The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine

... finally focused the national power of Spain , and was actually menacing the soil of France . His famous « march to Vitoria , » as it has been called because of the decisive bat- tle fought at that place on June 21 , 1813 , forced ...

The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine

... a Lamia it is that Keats has painted in the for- est of Crete , miserable because her shape be- trays her nature : " She was a gordian shape of dazzling hue , Vermilion - spotted , golden ... Lamia and no other 244 THE " LAMIA ” OF KEATS .

The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine

... make trial of these agencies , describing at the same time most remarkable ... Belt entirely cured me after all other remedies had failed . His Electric ... CORSET CURES RHEUMATISM ANDIGESTION & ALL NERVOUS AFFECTIONS . NATURES OWN REMEDY ...

Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine ...

... music as carry- ing us to heaven , he means to state a definite process ... order , law , and truth ; it is greater than time and represents eternity ... music taking him into heaven , he means it to the full ; and when he identifies ...

The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine

... Cursed be the king , the rich man's king , Untouched by the sight of our suffering , Who squeezed the farthings from every one , And shot us like dogs when the last was gone . We're weaving , we're weaving . " Cursed be the treacherous ...

The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine

... down into the burrows . In one instance , I knew of a black - footed fer ... silver ; and the horses travel far more readily and easily than under the ... moonbeams play over the grassy stretches of the plateaus and glance off the wind ...

Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine ...

... mind fright- fully . I always wanted you to know that she did mind . " " It altered her plans , did n't it , " said Julian , " quite considerably ? " " You ' ve no business to talk like that ! " said Stella , angrily . " It's not fair ...

The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine

A WHITE UMBRELLA IN MEXICO . BY F. HOPKINSON SMITH , WITH ILLUSTRATIONS BY THE AUTHOR . CALDERÓN town near the line of the Mexican Central Railroad , within a day's journey of the city of Mexico . I had ... WHITE UMBRELLA IN MEXICO. ...

Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine ...

... Alice . Twilight was falling , and its melancholy influence was beginning to affect him . He thought less and less of the joy of his love and more of its hopelessness . By the time he reached his house he had begun to con- front the ...


... elegant people began to live in other quarters ; but this did not affect the status of the neigh- borhood of the Battery and the Bowling Green . The large granite dwelling - house on the Bowl- ing Green ( No. 17 Broadway ) was built as ...

Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine ...

... Whitney , H. Walters , R. B. Angus , T. G. Shaugh- nessy , Sir George Drummond , C. R. Hosmer , George B. Hopkins , and Thomas F. Ryan . The aggregate wealth of this group was estimated in many hundreds of millions of dollars . Van ...

Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine ...

... relentless avenger of personal indignities . His utterance of " I thank God ! " when apprized of Antonio's ruin- ous ... 5 , 1752 , at Williamsburg , Virginia , being the second of the plays of Shakspere acted in America . Notable ...

Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine ...

... naked command ' ? " No ; I don't even know what you mean by the naked command . " " 66 " I mean a cell full of prisoners without cloth- ing . When I first went to Kara and made a visit of inspection to the prisons , I found a ka- mera ...

The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine

... white and purple lichens . Along its up- per edge runs the red - lacquered ... dragon - horse , with gilded hoofs drop- ping into air , and lengthy ... dragon with gilded claws and gigantic protruding head . But all these beasts are tame ...

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