Life and Works of Robert Burns. By P. Hately Waddell ... Enriched with Portraits, and Numerous Illustrations in Colour, Etc

Life and Works of Robert Burns. By P. Hately Waddell ... Enriched with Portraits, and Numerous Illustrations in Colour, Etc
Authors: Robert Burns
Published on: 1867
Page Count: 522 pages
Print Type: BOOK
Maturity Rating: NOT_MATURE
Language: en
Embeddable: Yes
PDF Available: No
EPUB Available: No
ISBN-13: ISBN-13 not available
ISBN-10: ISBN-10 not available
... power to grant my request , as I mentioned , in the beginning of next summer ... persona , how much and how truly I am , Sir , your deeply indebted and ever ... my wishes . The emoluments of GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE . ] 173 OF ROBERT BURNS .

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