Vox Compact Spanish and English Dictionary, Third Edition (Paperback)

Vox Compact Spanish and English Dictionary, Third Edition (Paperback)
Authors: Vox
Published on: 2008-01-13
Page Count: 864 pages
Print Type: BOOK
Maturity Rating: NOT_MATURE
Language: en
Embeddable: No
PDF Available: Yes
EPUB Available: No
ISBN-13: 9780071808118
ISBN-10: 0071808116
... para colocarse en buena posición . jocose [ dzǝkǝus ] adj jocoso , -a . jocular [ ' dzpkjələ ' ] adj ( person ) gracioso ... chiste m : shall I tell you a joke ? ¿ te cuento un chiste ? 2 ( practical ) broma : John can't take a joke John no ...

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